Wee Baby Heat Resistant Natural Feeling Wide Neck Glass Feeding Bottle 125ml

Wee Baby


509 stok

SKU: 144
Informacion shtesë
Glass Feeding Bottle 125 ml
  • Suitable for all ages starting from 0-6 months.
  • Rounded teat tip mimics breastfeeding.
  • Low flow with teat no.1 (suitable for ages 0-6 months).
  • Suitable for sterilizing.

Feeding plays a key role in babies’ development. Feeding your baby with breastmilk for the first six months is particularly important, as breast milk is nutritionally formulated for your baby. Formula milk is not as beneficial for your baby in terms of healthy growth, a strong immune system and protection from diseases.

However, it’s not always possible to exclusively breastfeed, therefore in addition, bottle feeding can be a good option. Breast milk can be expressed using a breast pump, stored and then fed with a feeding bottle.

Glass feeding bottles are made from soda-lime silica glass and are completely natural. The round bottle teat will help the baby adapt to both bottle and breastfeeding. Wee Baby is here for you when you need us most.

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